Crystal Rose_Spa
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Categories: Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
Where is located? 6.44872,3.27098 (GPS Coordinates)
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List of nearest hotels:
Destiny Suites three stars hotel located at 3 Ituludiegwu Street,Olute, 202 meters southwest.
Oak Hotels two stars hotel located at Plot 241 Festac Link Road, Amuwo-Odofin., 499 meters west.
Paris Suites three stars hotel located at 6th Avenue, 421 Road B close, Plot 1007, 1.4 kilometers east.
Carat 24 Business Hotel and Suites LTD two stars hotel located at Plot 1932, 24 Road, F Close, Festac, 1.91 kilometers north.
Rockview Hotels Limited (Festac) five stars hotel located at Plot 33, 23 Road, Festac, 2.13 kilometers north.
Ocean Breeze Suites two stars hotel located at Plot 2, Maruwa Road, Ijegun, Waterside Satellite Town, 2.75 kilometers southwest.
Dublina Suites three stars hotel located at 4th Avenue, 3.18 kilometers north.
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