Phcn Office Bonojo Ijebu Ode

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Phcn Office Bonojo Ijebu Ode

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Where is located? 6.82944,3.9244 (GPS Coordinates)
Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria

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Questions about this place

What is the major problem concerning electricity in ijebu-ode?

by Grace omolola  3 years ago

What is really the problem in Nigeria cos I don't understand, why do we like inconveniencing ourselves for the past five days now there is no light at imepe that part that is opp FCMB along Lagos garage ND other part are having light ND at the end of the month now bills will be carried up ND down, this is absolutely rubbish.

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  1. Conference Hotel & Suites Ijebu 4 ★ Plot 1A and 1B, Conference Avenue, GRA, Ogun State, Nigeria., Ijebu Ode
  2. Geo Bajas Hotel 4 ★ Bajas Hotel Ijebu Imusin, Old Ondo - Benin Rd, Ijebu Ode, Imushin

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